Fight terrorism along Muslims, not against, Rehman Malik advises Trump

Senator Rehman Malik advised U.S President Donald Trump to fight along with Muslims in terrorism not against them.

Donald Trump before leaving for Saudi Arabia, his first foreign trip after being elected as the President of U.S, tweeted saying,

Getting ready for my big foreign trip. Will be strongly protecting American interests - that's what I like to do!

To which Pakistan’s Senator and Pakistan Peoples Party representative Rehman Malik advised him on Twitter by saying,

Mr president,How abt the interest ofall being killed through sponsored terrorism.pl Create common strategy agst ourcommon enemy/terrorists https://t.co/mMxW4EPTQK

In the next Tweet he talks about Muslims and tells him that all Muslims are not terrorists,

Mr president,welcome to Islamic world/remember i advised u to fight along with Muslims &not agst Muslims as every muslim is not terrorist https://t.co/m7zJju8AQW

According to A.P, U.S President is to deliver his speech on Sunday in Saudi Arabia. According to the draft he will be calling for unity in the fight against radicalism in the Islamic world, characterizing the effort as a "battle between good and evil." It will also urge Arab and Muslim leaders to “drive out the terrorists from your places of worship.”

Trump will avoid the tough anti-Muslim language from his presidential campaign as well as mentions of democracy and human rights, according to the draft speech, which remains subject to revision.

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